The Pakistan Institute of Education (PIE) has announced the results of the National Achievement Test (NAT) 2023, which assessed Grade 4 students in both public and low-fee private schools in the federal capital.
According to the results, boys in public schools achieved better scores compared to girls in private schools, and public school students in rural areas performed better than their urban counterparts. Furthermore, 65% of teachers in public schools hold a master’s degree, compared to only 23% in private schools, and 70% of students from public schools travel within a 2-kilometer radius to their educational institutions.
Mohiuddin Ahmed wani, Federal Secretary Education and Professional Training on Monday shared the results of NAT 2023 on the social media site of the ministry.
According to NAT 2023 result, evaluated 777 Grade 4 students in Islamabad Capital Territory, including 506 students from public schools and 271 students from low-fee private schools. The assessment covered 48 schools, with 26 public and 22 low-fee private schools registered with the Private Education Institutions Regulatory Authority (PIERA). According to the key findings, there is no significant difference in the overall performance between public and private school students. Public school students performed slightly better in Urdu and Mathematics, while private school students showed better results in English. Boys in public schools scored higher than boys in private schools, whereas girls performed slightly better in private schools compared to those in public schools.
The results also indicate that public school students in rural areas performed better, while private school students excelled in urban areas. The average score in English and Mathematics in public schools in rural areas was 44% and 41%, respectively, compared to 41% and 37% in urban centers. Class sizes in public schools are larger, with an average of 41 students per class, compared to 19 in private schools.
Public school teachers have better academic and professional qualifications than their private school counterparts. Over 65% of public school teachers hold a master’s degree, while only 23% of private school teachers do. Additionally, public school teachers have more professional experience, with approximately 73% having over 11 years of experience, compared to 17% in private schools.
The percentage of teachers who report teaching more than one grade daily is higher in private schools (33%) compared to public schools (4%). There is no significant difference in the distance between students’ homes and schools, with over 70% of students living within a 2-kilometer radius of their schools.