The International Women’s Day will be marked on Sunday (today) in Pakistan, like across the globe, to acknowledge outstanding contributions rendered by womenfolk in diverse fields and to raise voice for ensuring their due rights in society.
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights’.
According to the programme schedule issued here, different seminars, conferences, walks and events will take place to highlight the significance of the role of women in the state and society. The main event of ‘Aurat Azadi March’ will be held in the federal capital by Women Democratic Front (WDF), Awami Workers Party, Women’s Action Forum, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, Mazdoor Kissan Party and Progressive Students Federation. The Aurat Azadi March will also be joined by a number of women from different walks of life at the National Press Club.
A day-long programme featuring traditional food by women entrepreneurs, folk music and dance, artisan’s stalls, display of paintings by students and a seminar on “Women Rights and Law in Pakistan” will be arranged at the Lok Virsa. The event will be arranged by Ministry of Human Rights in collaboration with Lok Virsa and Potohar Development Organization (PODA). Foundation for Arts, Culture and Education (FACE) and World Bank will celebrate International Women Day on March 10 (Tuesday) through artisanal handicrafts, interactive sessions, sports, food and music, etc.
The Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) will arrange a seminar on ‘Women Creativity and Challenges’ on March 10 to commemorate the day. Jammu Kashmir Islamic Political Party and Jammu Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International organised a seminar titled ‘Women’s Day: Plight of Kashmiri Women’ on Saturday. The seminar was organized to highlight the role of women and pay tribute to Aasiya Indrabi and other Kashmiri leaders.
The United Nations first celebrated International Women’s Day during International Women’s Year in 1975. By 1977, the UN and its member states declared March 8 as an official day for women’s rights and for world peace. Since then this day is being observed over the world.